
Rocky Mountain Youth Corps of New Mexico crew member John Klug, left, and crew supervisor Archie Garrett crosscut a fallen tree in July as they work to clear trails in 疯客直播 Fe National Forest.

In remote pockets of 疯客直播 Fe National Forest, a team of young adults worked from early morning to late afternoon for days on end to clear fallen trees from forgotten trails where they were often more likely to see a bear than another human being.

Grazing cattle were a common presence as Crew 6 members from the Rocky Mountain Youth Corps of New Mexico opened up dozens of miles of trails in the San Pedro Parks and Pecos Wilderness areas during their series of eight-day hitches where they worked and slept in the rugged backcountry.

Crew supervisor Archie Garrett, 26, said at times he could sense the strenuous labor in what seemed like the middle of nowhere could make the team members question their motivation. Whenever that happened, he said the group responded by growing closer and pushing harder.


Rocky Mountain Youth Corps crew members take in the view during a break while on a hitch clearing trails in 疯客直播 Fe National Forest. The crew cleared 2,004 downed trees from more than 42 miles of trails in the forest from June to mid-September.


From left, Lily Hernandez, KT Pyzowski, John Hund, Archie Garrett, Quentin Dye and John Klug of Crew 6 of the Rocky Mountain Youth Corps of New Mexico get set to push a fallen tree off a trail while working in the Pecos Wilderness earlier this month.


Rocky Mountain Youth Corps crew members John Klug, left, Quentin Dye, center, and Kat Currey dry their boots, socks and clothes around a campfire after a wet July day in the San Pedro Parks Wilderness of 疯客直播 Fe National Forest.


Rocky Mountain Youth Corps crew members Lily Hernandez saws a branch off a tree in the Pecos Wilderness earlier this month. Her crew cleared 1,121 fallen trees from 24 miles of trails in the western portion of the Pecos Wilderness over three eight-day hitches.